Made by Adam Thorpe

EDIT: FOR SOME REASON, the colors are all PURPLE in the web browser. I have no idea why this is happening, it didn't happen in unity, and it doesn't happen in the Windows build, either. (Screenshots are from Windows Build).

EDIT  2: I tried rebuilding and uploading it for WebGL, but it still is like that. I guess it means for some reason the textures just...didn't get uploaded for webGL? But I have no idea why that could be, I'm really sorry. Especially since the rest of the game seems to work fine.

Modifications include:
Labyrinth level

Epic Final Boss level with secret ending

Gravity that swaps every now and then to keep you on your toes if you're going to slow...or maybe it helps!

(also, the screenshots are trimmed unfortunately because they were somehow over the 3mb limit. Not sure how or why thats a thing, but oh well)


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